Now imagine if any male were to do this to any female. I reported her to the CEO (nobody else to go to and it is a very small company) and was told they would have a meeting about her behavior. Today she walked into my office, gave me an vitamin C supplement and said “since you won’t look at my tits, put this in your mouth yourself!” then proceeded to hand it to me and said “oh, it’s too big for your mouth, isn’t it!?” At the company Christmas party she kept showing me her cleavage, grabbing my ass, and trying to grab my dong.
The HR woman at my company has recently been very sexual towards me. People don’t believe we can be sexually harassed If you’re a guy, your options are basically a 12-month contract with a BJJ or Krav Maga class. I started searching for self-defense seminars in my area.
Luckily, it wasn’t serious, but we got in a fight and I have some noticeable scratches.